GLAMURS: Connecting empirical research to different modelling frameworks.


Previously to our first GLAMURS consortium members meeting in Rome on next October 1st-3rd, a new meeting took place in Bath on July 17th-18th. This meeting, hosted by University of Bath, focussed our attention on the kick-start of the hand collaborative work, defining specific aspects of the modelling, and also connecting the empirical research and the projection into the future.

We met at the University of Bath to discuss the principles of integration of psychological theory and behavioural economics theory to have a more complex view of the factors that influence the decisions that are part of our lifestyle and have environmental impact, and also to discuss the relationships between the different types of modelling in GLAMURS. It has been presented the state of the art theory in psychological research on determinants of sustainable lifestyles, the principles of agent-based modelling, as well as the macroeconomic models that will be in GLAMURS.

Working on the interaction between psychological theory and micro-economics allow us to connect micro- meso- and macro-level analysis, establish a dialogue between the empirical research and the different types of modelling and, clarify how our different frameworks will work together in the project.

As a result of this meeting, it is important to underline that it allowed us to establish the stepping stones for our preferences model and further steps in developing a theory of lifestyle change; establish the ways in which we will work with the empirical data, and what the relationships are between the modelling and the empirical work; gain insight into the macro-economic modelling and the building of scenarios for a green economy -including policy scenarios-; and debate the connections between economic modelling and agent-based modelling and their respective relevance for advancing theory and policy recommendations for transforming European economic systems.

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