The People-Environment Research Group (UDC) will coordinate the H2020 European project “ENTRANCES”, which studies the social impact of energy transitions in Europe
The project is entitled “ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies (ENTRANCES)” and will analyze energy transitions from coal zones and carbon-intensive regions and their impacts on society.
The project has been funded by the European Commission with a budget of € 3,000,000 obtained within the prestigious and highly competitive Horizon 2020 program. The European call responds to a specific program on “Social Aspects of the transition to clean energy”, which financed the consortium led by the UDC in a competition against 18 other European consortia.
The general objective of ENTRANCES is to develop a better theoretical and empirical understanding of cross-cutting issues related to socio-economic, socio-technical, socio-ecological, socio-cultural, socio-political and socio-psychological and gender factors of energy transition clean in the carbon and carbon-intensive European regions and aims to formulate a set of recommendations to address the associated problems.
Mining regions to be studied
D3.1. Silesia Case study Report (IGSMiE PAN, M24)
D3.2. Lusatia Case study Report (IOER, M24)
D3.3. Rhineland Case study Report (IWH, M24)
D3.4. Central Germany Case Study Report (IWH, M24)
D3.5. Jiu Valley Case Study Report (UAIC, M24)
D3.6. Sulcis Iglesiente Case Study Report (K&I, M24)
D3.7. Upper Nitra Case Study Report (CSPS, M24)
D3.8. Coal mining regions data collection (IWH, M21)
Carbon intensive regions to be studied
D4.1. Brindisi Case study Report (ENEA, M24)
D4.2. Kraków Metropolitan Area Case study Report (IGSMiE PAN, M24)
D4.3. As Pontes, A Coruña Case study Report (UDC, M24)
D4.4. Upper Styria Case Study Report (ZSI, M24)
D4.5. Stavanger Case Study Report (NTNU, M24)
D4.6. South Wales Case Study Report (CU, M24)
D4.7. Carbon-intensive regions data collection (IGSMiE PAN, M21)