Transicións Enerxéticas desde o Carbón e o Carbono: Efectos sobre as sociedades

Este proxecto forma parte do tópico “Os aspectos SSH -ciencias sociais e humanidades- da transición da enerxía limpa” e trata de interpretar os “Retos aos que se enfrontan as rexións intensivas en carbono” dentro dun marco contextual: 1) políticas de descarbonización; 2) procesos en curso de deterritorialización; e 3) a dimensión territorial da transición enerxética limpa.

Estes elementos contextuais preséntanse no proxecto, proporcionando unha interpretación das principais cuestións de investigación sobre o tema: a) A descarbonización das rexións intensivas en carbón e carbono pode ser un punto morto do proceso de transición enerxética. Xunto a este proceso xorden un conxunto de conflitos que pasan do nivel local ao nacional e europeo e viceversa. Unha das ideas principais do proxecto é analizar estes conflitos e os procesos de negociación relacionados con eles, así como as culturas políticas e os discursos detrás destes conflitos; b) Os retos aos que se enfrontan as rexións intensivas en carbón e carbono son estudadas á luz do proceso en curso a nivel territorial. Outra idea principal do proxecto é identificar os factores de deterritorialización en acción en diferentes rexións intensivas en carbono e carbono e explicar a súa dinámica e interacción; c) A transición da enerxía limpa non se pode entender só como un cambio tecnolóxico ou como un cambio industrial, e estúdase como un proceso psico-socio-económico que afecta a vida das comunidades locais.

Mais información aquí.


Connecting Nature is a €12m five-year project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Innovation Action Programme. With 29 project partners from industry, local authorities, local communities, NGO’s and research in 16 countries, Connecting Nature aims to position Europe as a global leader in the innovation and implementation of nature-based solutions. Project partners will develop policy and practices necessary to scale up urban resilience, innovation and governance using nature-based solutions.

The People-Environment Research Group of the University of A Coruña leads the Work Package 1 –Assessment, evidence and evaluation. The objective to build a coherent reference framework that meaningfully connects different types of data and information for the evaluation of the five areas of performance of nature-based solutions as well as to identify new synergistic data-gathering techniques that make use of the latest available technologies, allow representation of traditionally under-represented groups in urban policy-making, and are cost-effective.

In Work Package 1 we will develop and test a truly global, comprehensive and robust mechanism that will be used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of nature-based solutions implementation in cities. We will use the following impact indicators and assessment criteria. Impact indicators: Climate change adaptation and resilience, health and well being, social cohesion, economic development potential, green business opportunities. Assessment criteria are: Cost-effectiveness, Inclusivity, Policy embeddedness and Stakeholder endorsement

More information about the CONNECTING NATURE on the website: https://connectingnature.eu/

SMARTEES (2018-2021)

The SMARTEES project (Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability) is a Horizon 2020 project aimed at simulating a number of successful social innovations in the energy transition, and developing – together with people in the field – a “sandbox model” to experiment with strategies to stimulate societal change. 11 European partners will work together in this exciting project that will run for 3 years. SMARTEES will start at 1rs of May 2018. 

Partners in this project are the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (coordinator), Norway, James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom, K&I Knowledge & Innovation, Italy, University of a Coruna, Spain, Energy Institute at Johannes Keppler University, Austria, University of Timisoara, Romania, University of Groningen, Netherlands, ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability, Germany, and Samsø Energiakademiet, Denmark.

The People-Environment Research Group is the lead partner in Work Package 5 – Future Policy Scenarios. The UDC team will put in practice its relevant experience in participatory diagnosis for the identification of social needs, stakeholder mapping and the assessment of drivers and barriers to sustainable transitions, as conducted in the previous LOCAW and GLAMURS FP7 projects. 

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