Ricardo García Mira
Ricardo García Mira is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of A Coruna (UDC), specialized in Environmental Psychology. He led the People-Environment Research Group of the UDC from 1995. He was a member of the Parliament of Spain in the period 2016-2019 representing the province of A Coruña (Legislatures XI and XII), where he served as Spokesman for Climate Change of the Socialist Parliamentary Group in the Ecological Transition Commission. He was also a member of the Commission of Education and the Commission of Science, Innovation and Universities, as well as a member of the Economy and Foreign Affairs Committee.
García Mira was also President of the scientific society International Association for People-Environment Studies (2014-2018), and he is the President of the Institute of Psychosocial Studies and Research “Xoan Vicente Viqueira” from 2004. In 2001 he was appointed “International Visiting Scholar” of the Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. From August 2003 to August 2012, Visiting Reader of the University of Surrey, UK. In 2015, Visiting Professor of the Institute for Policy Research of the University of Bath, in the United Kingdom, for the period 2015-2020, and finally in 2019, Visiting Scholar of the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University during the second semester of the term 2019-2020. On December 6, 2018, he was awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa by ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ University of Iasi, Romania. On June 2018 he was awarded as a ‘Fellow’ of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP).
He is currently the Coordinator of the European Consortium of the ENTRANCES Project (H-2020), on social aspects of transition to clean energy (2020-2023). He was the Coordinator of the European Consortium of the LOCAW Project on reducing emissions in the workplace (2011-2013); Coordinator of the European Consortium of the GLAMURS Project on sustainable lifestyles and green economy (2014-2016); Partner of the Research Consortia linked to the research projects: TRANSIT (2014-2017) on social innovation; CONNECTING (2017-2022) on nature based solutions in urban transformations, and SMARTEES (2018-2021) on energy transition and social innovation. He also carried out social research on the Prestige disaster (2002-2008) and on the fires in Galicia (2006-2007).
Currently, he is the European Editor of the Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. He is also a member of the Editorial Group of Frontiers in Psychology, and a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Environmental Psychology. He has over 100 scientific publications and is a regular collaborator of the Broadcasting Radio Program ”Voces de Galicia” of Radiovoz (A Coruna, Spain), as well as a columnist of the newspaper La Voz de Galicia.
- Vita, G.; Ivanova, D.; Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Carrus, G.; Stadler, K.; Krause, K.; Wood, R. & Hertwich, E. (2020). Members of environmental grassroos initiatives reconcile lower carbon emissions with higher well-being. Energy Research & Social Science, 60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2019.101329
- Craig, T.; Polhill, G.; Colley, K.; Carrus, G.; Maricchiolo, F.; Bonaiuto, M.; Bonnes, M.; Dumitru, A.; & García-Mira, R. (2019), Transmission of pro-environmental norms in large organizations, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 19, 25-32. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2019.02.010
- García Mira, R.; Uzzell, D.; Real, J.E. & Romay, J. (eds) (2018). Housing, Space and Quality of Life. London, UK: Routledge (1st Edition). DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781351156363
- Goluboff, M., & Garcia-Mira, R. (2018). The Perception of Urban Space from Two Different Viewpoints: Pedestrians and Automobile Passengers. In R. Garcia-Mira, R.; D. Uzzell; J.E. Real; & Romay (Eds.), Housing, Space and Quality of Life(pp. 17-26). Routledge.
- García Mira, R.; Dumitru, A.; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Polhill, J.G. & Craig, T. (2017). Testing scenarios to achieve worplace sustainability goals using Backcasting and Agent-based Modeling, Environment & Behavior, 49(9), 1007-1037. (Publicado primero On-line: Octubre 26, 2016). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013916516673869
- Uzzell, D.; Räthzel, N.; García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2017), Global Challenges for Environmental Psychology: The Place of Labor and Production. In G. Fleury-Bahi, E. Pol, and O. Navarro (Eds.): Handbook of Enviromental Psychology and Quality of Life Research (pp. 559-570). AG, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31416-7_31
- García Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. & (coords.) (2017). Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability. GLAMURS Final Report. A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira ISBN: 978-84-932694-7-0. Download: Digital version here.
- García Mira, A. & Dumitru, A.(coords.) (2017). Estilos de Vida Verdes, Modelos Alternativos y Escalamientos desde la Sostenibilidad Regional. Informe final del proyecto GLAMURS. A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira ISBN: 978-84-932694-7-0. Descargar la versión digital en español: Informe Glamurs ESP
- ICEP (2017). Book of abstracts: International Conference on Environmental Psychology: Theories of change and social innovation in transitions towards sustainability. A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira. Download digital version: ICEP (2017) Book_of_Abstracts
- Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., Kunze, I., Kemp, R., Wittmayer, J., Haxeltine, A., García-Mira, R., Zuijderwijk, L. and Cozan, S. (2017). Social learning in social innovation initiatives : learning about systemic relations and strategies for transformative change. TRANSIT Brief#4. Digital version here.
- Polhill, J.G., Craig, T., Alonso-Betanzos, A., Sánchez-Maroño, N., Fontenla-Romero, O., Dumitru, A., García-Mira, R., Bonnes, M., Bonaiuto, M., Carrus, G., Maricchiolo, F., Fornara, F., Ilin, C., Steg, L., Ruepert, A., and Keizer, K. (2017), Interactions Matter: Modelling Everyday Pro-environmental Norm Transmission and Diffusion in Workplace Networks. In A. Alonso-Betanzos, N. Sánchez-Maroño, O. Fontenla-Romero, G.J. Polhill, T. Craig, J.Bajo, & J.M. Corchado (Eds.), Agent-Based Modeling of Sustainable Behaviors. Understanding Complex Systems. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-46330-8. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46331-5_2
- Frantzeskaki, N.; Dumitru, A.; Anguelovski, I.; Avelino, F.; Bach, M.; Best, B.; Binder, C.; Barnes, J.; Carrus, G.; Egermann, M.; Haxeltine, A.; Moore, M.L.; García-Mira, R.; Loorbach, D.; Uzzell, D.; Omman, I.; Olsson, P.; Silvestri, G.; Stedman, R.; Wittmayer, J.; Durrant, R. and Rauschmayer, F.; (2016), Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions. Current Opinion in Environmental sustainability, 22: 41-50. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2017.04.008
- Dumitru, A.; De Gregorio, E.; Bonnes, M.; Bonaiuto, M.; Carrus, G.; García-Mira, R. & Maricchiolo, F. (2016), Low carbón energy behaviors in the workplace: A qualitative study in Italy and Spain. Energy Research & Social Science, 13, 49-59. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2015.12.005
- Ruepert, A.; Keizer, K.; Steg, L.; Maricchiolo, F.; Carrus, G.; Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Stancu, A. & Moza, D. (2016), Environmental considerations in the organizational context: A pathway to pro-environmental behavior at work, Energy Research & Social Science, 17, 59-70. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2016.04.004
- Muñoz-Cantero, J.M.; García-Mira, R. & López-chao, V. (2016), Influence of physical learning environment in student’s behavior and social relations. The Anthropologist, 25(3), 249-253. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09720073.2016.11892113
- Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Brinquis-Núñez, C.; Polhill, J.G.; Craig, T.; Dumitru, A. & García-Mira, R. (2015). An Agent-based model for simulating environmental behavior in an educational organization. Neural Process Letters, 42, 89-118. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-014-9390-5
- Orr, P., Brooks, K., Papadopoulou, L., Bonaiuto, M., Carrus, G., De Dominicis, S., Ariccio, S., Stancu, A., Ilin, C., Garcia Mira, R., Martínez, H., Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., Steinberga, I., Strode, I., Hrabar, M. and Kobal, J. (2015). Survey on Public Perceptions of Environmental Risks. Printed edition: A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira. ISBN 978-92-79-54020-2.
- Lema Blanco, I.; García Mira, R.; Muñoz Cantero, J.M. (2015). Las iniciativas de consumo responsable como espacios de innovación comunitaria y aprendizaje social. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, Vol. Extr., No. 14, 29-33. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17979/reipe.2015.0.14.316
- García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2014), Experiencing the urban space. A cognitive mapping approach. Journal of the Korean Housing Association. 25(2), 63-70. http://dx.doi.org/10.6107/JKHA.2014.25.2.063
- Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Maricutoiu, L. & Ilin, C. (2014), Evaluating the relationship between place attachment, residential evaluation and satisfaction in a medium-sized Romanian city. Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 25(4), 31-38. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6107/JKHA.2014.25.4.031
- Alvarez-Suárez, P.; Vega-Marcote, P. & García-Mira, R. (2014), Sustainable consumption: a teaching intervention in higher education. International Journal for Sustainability in Higher Education, 15(1), 3-15. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJSHE-06-2011-0044
- García Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (Eds.) (2014). Urban Sustainability: Innovative Spaces, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities. A Coruña, Spain: Deputación Provincial &Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira. ISBN: 978-84-9812-243-5. Download: Digital version here.
- García Mira & Dumitru, A. (coord.) (2014).Low Carbon at Work- Modeling Agents and Organizations to achieve Transitions to a Low Carbon Europe. LOCAW Reseach Report. A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira.ISBN: 978-84-932694-6-3. Enlace/Download: Digital version here.
- García Mira, R. (editor) (2013). Lecturas sobre el desastre del Prestige. A Coruña: Intituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira. More information of the content of the book here.
- García Mira (Editor) (2013). Readings on the Prestige Disaster, Contributions from the Social Sciences. A Coruña: Instituto de Investigación Psicosocial Xoan Vicente Viqueira.
- García-Mira, R.; García-González, C.; Dumitru, A.; & Barreiro-Rivas, XL (2012), The social dimension of forest fires: Risk, responsibility, and participation. En S. Kabisch, A. Kunath, P. Schweizer-Ries, and A. Steinführer (Eds.), Vulnerability, Risks, and Complexity. Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats (pp. 103-119). Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe.
- Gifford, R.; Scannell, L.; Kormos, C.; Smolova, L.; Biel, A.; Boncu, S.; Corral, V.; Günther, H.; Hanyu, K.; Hine, D.; Kaiser, F.G.; Korpela, K.; Lima, L.M.; Mertig, A.G.; García-Mira, R.; et al. (2009), Temporal pessimism and spatal optimism in environmental assessments: An 18-nation study. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29, 1-12.
- García Mira, A. & Vega Marcote, P. (eds) (2009). Sostenibilidad, Valores y Cultura Ambiental. Madrid: Editorial Pirámide. ISBN 978-84-368-2304-2
- Vita, G.; Ivanova, D.; Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Carrus, G.; Stadler, K.; Krause, K.; Wood, R. & Hertwich, E. (2020). Members of environmental grassroos initiatives reconcile lower carbon emissions with higher well-being. Energy Research & Social Science, 60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2019.101329
- Craig, T.; Polhill, G.; Colley, K.; Carrus, G.; Maricchiolo, F.; Bonaiuto, M.; Bonnes, M.; Dumitru, A.; & García-Mira, R. (2019), Transmission of pro-environmental norms in large organizations, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 19, 25-32. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2019.02.010
- García Mira, R.; Uzzell, D.; Real, J.E. & Romay, J. (eds) (2018). Housing, Space and Quality of Life. London, UK: Routledge (1st Edition). DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781351156363
- García Mira, R.; Dumitru, A.; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Polhill, J.G. & Craig, T. (2017). Testing scenarios to achieve worplace sustainability goals using Backcasting and Agent-based Modeling, Environment & Behavior, 49(9), 1007-1037. (Publicado primero On-line: Octubre 26, 2016). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013916516673869
- Uzzell, D.; Räthzel, N.; García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2017), Global Challenges for Environmental Psychology: The Place of Labor and Production. In G. Fleury-Bahi, E. Pol, and O. Navarro (Eds.): Handbook of Enviromental Psychology and Quality of Life Research (pp. 559-570). AG, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31416-7_31
- Polhill, J.G., Craig, T., Alonso-Betanzos, A., Sánchez-Maroño, N., Fontenla-Romero, O., Dumitru, A., García-Mira, R., Bonnes, M., Bonaiuto, M., Carrus, G., Maricchiolo, F., Fornara, F., Ilin, C., Steg, L., Ruepert, A., and Keizer, K. (2017), Interactions Matter: Modelling Everyday Pro-environmental Norm Transmission and Diffusion in Workplace Networks. In A. Alonso-Betanzos, N. Sánchez-Maroño, O. Fontenla-Romero, G.J. Polhill, T. Craig, J.Bajo, & J.M. Corchado (Eds.), Agent-Based Modeling of Sustainable Behaviors. Understanding Complex Systems. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-46330-8. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46331-5_2
- Goluboff, M., & Garcia-Mira, R. (2018). The Perception of Urban Space from Two Different Viewpoints: Pedestrians and Automobile Passengers. In R. Garcia-Mira, R.; D. Uzzell; J.E. Real; & Romay (Eds.), Housing, Space and Quality of Life(pp. 17-26). Routledge.
- García Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (coords.) (2017). Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability. GLAMURS Final Report. A Coruña, SP: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira ISBN: 978-84-932694-7-0.
- Frantzeskaki, N.; Dumitru, A.; Anguelovski, I.; Avelino, F.; Bach, M.; Best, B.; Binder, C.; Barnes, J.; Carrus, G.; Egermann, M.; Haxeltine, A.; Moore, M.L.; García-Mira, R.; Loorbach, D.; Uzzell, D.; Omman, I.; Olsson, P.; Silvestri, G.; Stedman, R.; Wittmayer, J.; Durrant, R. and Rauschmayer, F.; (2016), Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions. Current Opinion in Environmental sustainability, 22: 41-50. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2017.04.008
- Dumitru, A.; De Gregorio, E.; Bonnes, M.; Bonaiuto, M.; Carrus, G.; García-Mira, R. & Maricchiolo, F. (2016), Low carbón energy behaviors in the workplace: A qualitative study in Italy and Spain. Energy Research & Social Science, 13, 49-59. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2015.12.005
- Ruepert, A.; Keizer, K.; Steg, L.; Maricchiolo, F.; Carrus, G.; Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Stancu, A. & Moza, D. (2016), Environmental considerations in the organizational context: A pathway to pro-environmental behavior at work, Energy Research & Social Science, 17, 59-70. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2016.04.004
- Muñoz-Cantero, J.M.; García-Mira, R. & López-chao, V. (2016), Influence of physical learning environment in student’s behavior and social relations. The Anthropologist, 25(3), 249-253. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09720073.2016.11892113
- Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Brinquis-Núñez, C.; Polhill, J.G.; Craig, T.; Dumitru, A. & García-Mira, R. (2015). An Agent-based model for simulating environmental behavior in an educational organization. Neural Process Letters, 42, 89-118. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-014-9390-5
- Orr, P., Brooks, K., Papadopoulou, L., Bonaiuto, M., Carrus, G., De Dominicis, S., Ariccio, S., Stancu, A., Ilin, C., Garcia Mira, R., Martínez, H., Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., Steinberga, I., Strode, I., Hrabar, M. and Kobal, J. (2015). Survey on Public Perceptions of Environmental Risks. Printed edition: A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira. ISBN 978-92-79-54020-2.
- Lema Blanco, I.; García Mira, R.; Muñoz Cantero, J.M. (2015). Las iniciativas de consumo responsable como espacios de innovación comunitaria y aprendizaje social. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, Vol. Extr., No. 14, 29-33. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17979/reipe.2015.0.14.316
- García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2014), Explorando cognitivamente el espacio urbano. Un estudio empírico sobre la integración del conocimiento espacial. Revista EDUCAmazônia – Educação, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente, Humaitá, 12(1), 285-304.
- García-Mira, R.; Dumitru, A.; & Vega-Marcote, P. (2014), Consumo sostenible en organizaciones: Enfoques multimétodo para estudiar la conducta proambiental en lugares de trabajo. Psico (Dossié: Psicologia ambiental – Comportamento Proambiental e sustentabilidade), 45 (3), 350-358.
- García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2014), Experiencing the urban space. A cognitive mapping approach. Journal of the Korean Housing Association. 25(2), 63-70. http://dx.doi.org/10.6107/JKHA.2014.25.2.063
- Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Maricutoiu, L. & Ilin, C. (2014), Evaluating the relationship between place attachment, residential evaluation and satisfaction in a médium-sized Romanian city. Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 25(4), 31-38. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6107/JKHA.2014.25.4.031
- Alvarez-Suárez, P.; Vega-Marcote, P. & García-Mira, R. (2014), Sustainable consumption: a teaching intervention in higher education. International Journal for Sustainability in Higher Education, 15(1), 3-15. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJSHE-06-2011-0044
- García Mira, R. (Coord.) (2014). Low Carbon at Work- Modeling Agents and Organizations to achieve Transitions to a Low Carbon Europe. LOCAW Reseach Report. A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira.ISBN: 978-84-932694-6-3.
- López-López, D.; Alonso-Tajes, F.; García-Mira, R.; Agrasar-Cruz, CM; Rodríguez-Sanz, D. & Palomo-López, P. (2014). Análisis multidimensional de la percepción de la salud del pie en una población adulta. Salud i Ciencia, 21 (1), 35-39.
- García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2014). Urban Sustainability: Innovative Spaces, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities. A Coruña, Spain: Deputación Provincial de A Coruña and IEIP.
- García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2014). Urban sustainability: Innovative spaces, vulnerabilities and opportunities. En: R. García-Mira & A. Dumitru (Eds.), Urban Sustainability (pp. 3-7), A Coruña: Servicio Publicacións Deputación Provincial.
- Fraga-Mosquera, A.; Díaz-Ayude & García-Mira, R. (2014). Healthy workers and healthy workplaces: psychosocial evaluation in organizational environments. En: R. García-Mira & A. Dumitru (Eds.), Urban Sustainability (pp. 99-113), A Coruña: Servicio Publicacións Deputación Provincial.
- Lema-Blanco, I. & García-Mira, R. (2014), Public participation in water management. The implementation of the wáter framework directive in Galician river basins management plans. En: R. García-Mira & A. Dumitru (Eds.), Urban Sustainability (pp. 189-201), A Coruña: Servicio Publicacións Deputación Provincial.
- García Mira, R. (2013). The Prestige: an approach from the social sciences. En R. García-Mira (Ed.) Readings on the Prestige Disaster: Contributions from the Social Sciences (pp. 17-28), A Coruña: Institute of Psychosocial Studies and Research.
- García-Mira, R.; Rodríguez, M.S. & Real, J.E. (1991), Evaluación de la percepción ambiental en la ciudad. Qurriculum – Revista de Teoría, Investigación y Práctica Educativa. 1-2, 273-278.
- Polhill, G.; Crait, T.; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Dumitru, A.; Bonnes, M.; Bonaiuto, M.; Carrus, G.; Fornara, F.; Maricchiolo, F.; Steg, L.; Ruepert, A.; Kaizer, K. & García-Mira, R. (2014), Empirical Agent-Based Modelling of Everyday Pro-environmental Behaviours at Work. In D.P. Ames, N.W.T. Quinn & A. Rizzoli (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (iEMSs 2014 Conferenc, San Diego, California, USA, June 15-19, 2014 – Bold Visions for Environmental Modeling, Vol. 3 (pp. 1889-1896). http://www.iemss.org/society/index.php/iemss-2014-proceedings
- García‐Mira, R.; Steg, L.; Dumitru, A.; Ruepert, A.; Bonnes, M.; Bonaiuto, M.; Carrus, G.; Uzzell, D.;Rathzell, N.; Sava, A. & Ilin, C. (2013). Testing causal models of behavior to define pathways for change in organizations: results from the LOCAW project. In: J. Quist, J. Wittmayer, K. Umpfenbach & T. Bauler (Eds), Pathways,Transitions and Back-casting for Low‐Carbon and Sustainable Lifestyles. Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series, Issue 3, Proceedings of SCORAI Europe & InContext Workshop (pp. 122-136). 7‐8 October 2013, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. http://www.incontext-fp7.eu/sites/default/files/Proceedings%20InContext% 20SCORAI%20Pathways%20Workshop%20FINAL.pdf
- Dumitru, A., García-Mira, R., Vega-Marcote, P., Muñoz Cantero, J.M., Erdei, I., Ilin, C., Carrus, G., Maricchiolo, F., Dominis, S. de, Mura, S., Steg, L., Ruepert, L. (2013). Pathways to sustainable change in organizations: the role of participatory back-casting in ensuring workers ́autonomy and control as well as transference of practices between life domains. In: J. Quist, J. Wittmayer, K. Umpfenbach & T. Bauler (2013) Pathways,Transitions and Back-casting for Low‐Carbon and Sustainable Lifestyles. Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series, Issue 3, Proceedings of SCORAI Europe & InContext Workshop (pp. 236-250). 7‐8 October 2013, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. http://www.incontext-fp7.eu/sites/default/files/Proceedings%20InContext%20SCORAI%20Pathways%20Workshop%20FINAL.pdf
- García Mira, R. (2013). Readings on the Prestige disaster: Contributions from the Social Sciences. A Coruña: Institute for Psychosocial Studies and Research.
- García Mira, R. (2013), Lecturas sobre el desastre del Prestige: Contribuciones desde las Ciencias Sociales. A Coruña: Instituto de Estudios e Investigación Psicosocial.
- García Mira, R. & Lema-Blanco, I. (2013). Communication and management strategies during the Prestige crisis. En R. García-Mira (Ed.) Readings on the Prestige Disaster: Contributions from the Social Sciences (pp. 83-93), A Coruña: Institute of Psychosocial Studies and Research.
- Real, J.E.; García Mira, R. & Voces, C. (2013). Differing attitudes and attributions between victims and volunteers. En R. García-Mira (Ed.) Readings on the Prestige Disaster: Contributions from the Social Sciences (pp. 95-101), A Coruña: Institute of Psychosocial Studies and Research.
- García Mira, R.; Real, J.E.; Uzzell, D.; Blanco, G. & Losada, D. (2013). Exploring cognitive representations of citizens in areas affected by the disaster. En R. García-Mira (Ed.) Readings on the Prestige Disaster: Contributions from the Social Sciences (pp. 103-113), A Coruña: Institute of Psychosocial Studies and Research.
- García-Mira, R.; Real, J.E.; Uzzell, D.; San Juan, C. & Pol, E. (2013). Coping with a threat to quality of life. En R. García-Mira (Ed.) Readings on the Prestige Disaster: Contributions from the Social Sciences (pp. 115-131), A Coruña: Institute of Psychosocial Studies and Research.
- García Mira, R.; Stea, D.; Real, J.E.; Coreno, V. & Elguea, S. (2013). Psychology, participation, and environmental policy-making. En R. García-Mira (Ed.) Readings on the Prestige Disaster: Contributions from the Social Sciences (pp. 133-147), A Coruña: Institute of Psychosocial Studies and Research.
- Lema Blanco, I. & García Mira, R. (2013). Participación pública en la gestión del agua. Un análisis de los procesos participativos desarrollados sobre los planes hidrológicos de las cuencas gallegas. Administración & Cidadanía [versión en castellano] ISSN: 1887-0287, Vol. 8 (2), 9-24.
- Lema Blanco, I. & García Mira, R. (2013). Participación pública na xestión da auga. Unha análise dos procesos participativos desenvolvidos sobre os plans hidrolóxicos das concas galegas. Administración & Cidadanía [versión en galego] ISSN: 1887-0287, Vol. 8 (2), 9-24.
- López López, D.; García-Mira, R.; Alonso Tajes, F. & López López, L. (2012), Análisis de la prevención podológica. Un estudio a través de Internet. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, 6(2), 63-72.
- García-Mira, R.; García-González, C.; Dumitru, A.; & Barreiro-Rivas, XL (2012), The social dimension of forest fires: Risk, responsibility, and participation. En S. Kabisch, A. Kunath, P. Schweizer-Ries, and A. Steinführer (Eds.), Vulnerability, Risks, and Complexity. Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats (pp. 103-119). Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe.
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