- /// the People-Environment Research Group of the University of A Coruna (Spain) proposes a digital one-stop-shop
- /// UIMP courses - Energy transition: research advances on the social aspects of the transition to clean energy
- /// EFPSA2019 Proceedings- Humans in their surrounding world
- /// Expression of interest - Post-doc position at the People-Environment Research Group
ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies (ENTRANCES)
This project is framed under the topic “SSH aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition” and it tries to interpret the “Challengues facing the carbon intensive regions” within a multi-contextual framework: 1) the de-carbonisation policies; 2) the ongoing processes of de-territorialisation; and 3) the territorial dimension of clean energy transition.
These contextual elements are presented in the project, providing an interpretation of the main research questions of the topic.: a) The de-carbonisation of coal and carbon intensive regions risks to be a cul de sac of the energy transition process. Along with this process a set of conflicts emerge and move from local to national and European level and vice-versa. One of the main ideas of the project is analysing these conflicts and the negotiation processes related to them, as well as the political cultures and discourses behind these conflicts; b) The challenges facing coal and carbon-intensive regions are studied in the light of the ongoing process at the territorial level. Another main idea of the project is to identifying the factors of de-territorialisation in action in different coal and carbon-intensive regions and to explain their dynamics and interactions; c) The clean energy transition cannot be understood only as a technological change or as an industrial shift, and it is studied as a socio-economicpsychological process affectng the life of local communities.
In this respect the project is focused on the study of the coping strategies from a wide array of perspectives: A multidimensional perspective, combining different disciplinary frameworks; a comparative perspective, developing a comprehensive set of case studies; and a multilevel perspective, involving different key players at territorial, regional, national, European and global level. Each of these strategies will be developed in a specific strand of research: Theoretical strand, Analytic strand, and Pro-active strand.
Participant No. | Organization | Country |
1 (Coordinador) | University of A Coruna (UDC) | Spain |
2 | Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico (ENEA) | Italy |
3 | Knowledge and Innovation – Rome (K&I) | Italy |
4 | Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) | Germany |
5 | Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) | Germany |
6 | Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) | Austria |
7 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) | Norway |
8 | European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) | Belgium |
9 | Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN (IGSMiE PAN) | Poland |
10 | Faculty of Psychology and Education – University ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’ of Iasi (UAIC) | Romania |
11 | Portuguese Society of Innovation (SPI) | Portugal |
12 | Women Engage for a common future | France |
13 | Center of Social and Psychological Sciences | Slovak Republic |
14 | Cardiff University | United Kingdom |