Bienvenidos al Grupo de Investigación Persona-Ambiente

El Grupo de Investigación interdisciplinario Personas-Medio Ambiente tiene una larga trayectoria de investigación de clase mundial sobre las interacciones entre el entorno natural y construido y el comportamiento humano, que incluye psicólogos, sociólogos, economistas, educadores, geógrafos y arquitectos. Sus áreas de especialización incluyen las dimensiones psicológicas del cambio social y las transiciones hacia estilos de vida sostenibles, la innovación social, la investigación de riesgos ambientales, la educación ambiental, la relación entre las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza, el comportamiento proambiental y el bienestar, la planificación urbana, las infraestructuras verdes y la arquitectura sostenible. . Durante los últimos diez años, el Grupo ha coordinado y participado en numerosos proyectos de investigación nacionales y europeos, incluidos los programas FP7 y H2020 financiados por la UE.


Da emerxencia á recuperación. Plan de resposta diferenciada ás necesidades de vivenda transicional na crise humanitaria de Cabo Delgado. Mozambique.

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INVIR_Innovación en vivienda de reasentamiento.

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Las Transiciones Energéticas del Carbón y el Carbono: Efectos en las Sociedades

Este proyecto se enmarca en el tópico “Aspectos de SSH -ciencias sociales y humanidades- de la transición de energía limpia” y trata de interpretar los “Desafíos que afrontan las regiones intensivas en carbono” dentro de un marco multi-contextual: 1) las políticas de descarbonización; 2) los procesos en curso de desterritorialización; y 3) la dimensión territorial de la transición hacia la energía limpia.

Estos elementos contextuales se presentan en el proyecto, proporcionando una interpretación a las principales preguntas de investigación del tópico: a) La descarbonización de las regiones intensivas en carbón y carbono puede ser un callejón sin salida del proceso de transición energética. Junto con este proceso, surgen un conjunto de conflictos que pasan del nivel local al nacional y europeo y viceversa. Una de las ideas principales del proyecto es analizar estos conflictos y los procesos de negociación relacionados con ellos, así como las culturas políticas y los discursos detrás de estos conflictos; b) Los desafíos que enfrentan las regiones intensivas en carbón y carbono se estudian a la luz del proceso en curso a nivel territorial. Otra idea principal del proyecto es identificar los factores de desterritorialización en acción en diferentes regiones intensivas en carbón y carbono y explicar su dinámica e interacciones; c) La transición hacia energía limpia no puede entenderse solo como un cambio tecnológico o como un cambio industrial, y se estudia como un proceso psico-socio-económico que afecta la vida de las comunidades locales.

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Co-ordinated by Trinity College Dublin, Connecting Nature is a partnership of 29 organisations from 16 countries which includes local authorities, communities, industry partners, NGOs and academics. CONNECTING NATURE is a Horizon 2020 project which works with 11 European cities who are investing in multi-million euro large scale implementation of nature-based projects in urban settings. We will measure the impact of these initiatives on climate change adaptation, health and well-being, social cohesion and sustainable economic development in these cities. Innovative actions to foster the start-up and growth of commercial and social enterprises active in producing nature-based solutions and products will also be an integral part of our work. More information about CONNECTING NATURE on the website:

The SMARTEES project (Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability) is a three-year Horizon 2020 project aimed at simulating a number of successful social innovations in the energy transition, and developing – together with people in the field – a “sandbox model” to experiment with strategies to stimulate societal change. Eleven European partners will work together in this exciting project that will run for 3 years. SMARTEES started at 1rs of May 2018. Partners in this project are the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (coordinator), Norway, James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom, K&I Knowledge & Innovation, Italy, University of a Coruna, Spain, Energy Institute at Johannes Keppler University, Austria, University of Timisoara, Romania, University of Groningen, Netherlands, ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability, Germany, and Samsø Energiakademiet, Denmark. More information about the SMARTEES project on the website:


GREEN LIFESTYLES ALTERNATIVE MODELS AND UPSCANLING REGIONAL SUSTAINABILITY. GLAMURS explores the complex interactions among economic, social, cultural, political and technological factors influencing sustainable lifestyles and transformations towards a green economy. It develops comprehensive models of lifestyle change in sustainable domains, and evaluates them in terms of economic and environmental effects. The project provides policy recommendations on the design of governance approach and policy mixes for a fast-paced transition to sustainability. GLAMURS combines methods across the breadth of social sciences, including psychology, sociology, micro- and macro-economics and agent-based modelling. The project is coordinated by the People-Environment Research Group of the University of A Coruña (Spain).

TRANSIT- TRANSformative Social Innovation Theory TRANSIT was an ambitious research project that developed a theory of transformative social innovation which is about empowerment and change in society. It was co-founded by the European Commission and ran for four years, from January 2014 until December 2017. The TRANSIT project was coordinated by DRIFT (Erasmus University Rotterdam – The Netherlands), and involved 12 universities and research institutes from across Europe and Latin-America. More information about TRANSIT on the Website: 

LOCAW- Low Carbon At Work-  The People-Environment Research Group of the University of A Coruña was the project leader of the LOCAW project. LOCAW aimed at identifying the complex determinants of everyday practices in the workplace, as well as the ways in which practices from one life domain influence those in another, in order to be able to provide a thorough account of the barriers to and drivers of transitions to sustainable practices in organizations. More information about LOCAW on the Website: 

European Survey on Public Perceptions on Environmental Risks. A research project coordinated by the  Collingwood Environmental Planning and funded by the Directorate-General for Environment (European Commission). The aim of this project was to understand the differences between public perception and scientific assessment of environmental risks and the main factors influencing the evolution of public perspectives in Europe. The project used a mixed methodology research approach, including a survey of experts and focus groups with members of the public. More information and results on this link.


Nuestra actividad está también vinculada a la Asociación Internacional para el estudio de la relación entre las Personas y el Medio Ambiente - IAPS (, y a la Asociación Internacional de Psicología Aplicada - IAAP (, y al nivel nacional con la Asociación de Psicología Ambiental - PSICAMB (

International Association People-Environment StudiesAsociación Internacional de Psicología AplicadaAsociación de Psicología Ambiental

Our partners and other institutions with which we conduct collaborative research:


  • Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


  • University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Vienna)


  • Université Libre de Bruxelles


  • Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza
  • Rio de Janeiro Federal University


  • University of Northern British Columbia


  • Aalborg University


  • University of Magdeburg
  • Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig
  • SERI – Sustainable Europe Research Institute


  • ESSRG Research and development SME


  • TrinityCollegueDublin


  • Sapienza University of Rome
  • University of Roma Tre, Rome


  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology


  • West University of Timisoara


  • University of Umea

The Netherlands

  • University of Groningen
  • Delft University of Technology
  • University of Tilburg
  • Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT), Erasmus University of Rotterdam
  • MaastrichUniversity

United Kingdom

  • University of Surrey (Guildford, Surrey)
  • James Hutton Institute (Aberdeen)
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Bath (Bath)
  • University of Sussex


  • Park University
  • Texas State University

Nuestros patrocinadores en el Gobierno:

  • La Comisión Europea, Dirección General de Medio Ambiente
  • El Ministerio de Educación de España
  • La Xunta de Galicia
  • Diputación Provincial de A Coruña
  • Diputación Provincial de Ourense
  • Ayuntamiento de A Coruña

Nuestros patrocinadores para proyectos concretos en el mundo de la empresa y las organizaciones:

  • REPSOL Petróleo
  • Fundación Biodiversidad
  • Fundación Caixa Galicia
  • Coca Cola – Begano, S.A.
  • Instituto de Estudios e Investigación Psicosocial
  • Foro de Formación y Ediciones, S.L.

Evaluación de la investigación:

Our research has been evaluated for the National Commission for Evaluation of Research Activities of Spain (CNEAI), who granted us with 5 positive evaluations (only applied to professors and associate professors with tenure).

Some of us are reviewers for the National Agencies of Research Evaluation in the governments of Spain, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal …

Editorial and conference reviewing:

Also, we are part of the editorial boards of journals such as Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Journal of environmental psychologysyecology, Bulletin of People-Environment Studies,… or scientific committees for evaluating papers for IAPS, PSICAMB, and other conferences and symposia.


Advice to international organizations:

Finally, some of us were part of European Commission teams for specific scientific aspects related to research in the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, as well as reviewers of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4) “Environment for Development, United Nations Environment Programe. United Nations (UNEP-UN).

Copyright 2012 © Grupo de Investigación Persona-Ambiente