18/05/2018 – 11:30- 13:00

City-led solutions to financing nature-based solutions and business models for sustainability

Paula Vandergert (UEL), presenting London Barking Riverside Community Interest Company, UK

Anna Levonmaa, presenting UNaLab value chain analysis approach, Finland

Jan Rassmusen, presenting NAIAD insurance payment model, Denmark,

Discussant: Siobhan McQuaid, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Note taker:Cian White

Description of the session. Looking through the lens of municipalities, this session will look specifically at financing and sustainable business models for NBS. 3 cities (or project partners) will present their experiences with different business models for NBS:

  • Barking Riverside in London will present their experience with the CIC business model and look objectively at the challenges faced versus benefits accrued.

  • Cities from UNaLab and NAIAD will present their own city experience of finance and business models for NBS sustainability and the different approaches their projects are following to address this issue.

The session will then split up into smaller groups led by the city presenters (supported by their project colleagues) looking in more detail at challenges and

Audience targeted: Researchers, City planners, Architects, Policy-makers

Climate change and mitigation “by Nature”: co-creating nature-based solutions for sustainable urban quality and well-being

Emeline Bailly, Dorothée Marchand & Raphael Jean, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, France

Marc Barra, Paris Region, France

Ricardo García Mira, University of A Coruña, Spain

Discussants: Ricardo García Mira & Marc Barra

Note taker: Raphaël Jean

Description of the session. After a short presentation of the stakes issue from some climate change examples “by Nature”, we would like to question the issues related to CCAM according to its interactions with ecology, urban quality and well-being. This session will identify the key topics and problematical for the next Paris forum in april 2019.

Transitions towards sustainable lifestyles: governance and knowledge co-production, Ricardo García Mira, University of A Coruna, Department of Psychology. This presentation is focused in two aspects. On the one hand, the transition to a sustainable lifestyle requires important urban transformations whose main goal is to guarantee an increase in the efficiency of resource management, an improvement in the quality of life and greater environmental resilience. The adaptation of cities is a priority in this context, where we need to think about the most appropriate models, strategies and governance patterns, reflecting on how power constellations work and how to involve civil society organisations more. On the other hand, it is urgent to highlight the importance of researchers, citizens and politicians jointly contributing to the creation of knowledge; this also challenges universities, by reinforcing the link between research and politics, while reinforcing the idea of transforming cities into more sustainable places to live. Close collaboration with citizens, professionals and politicians is characteristic of transdisciplinary research which seeks to guarantee the relevance and transfer of research results to society.

Nature as a solution for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Paris region, Marc BARRA, urban ecologist, Agency for biodiversity Paris region Planning and Development Institute. Climate change and biodiversity loss in urban areas is a reality. Urban ecology provides us knowledge and solutions to maintain or restore green infrastructure within cities. This presentation will focus on climate change in Paris region and show how nature based solutions can be developed by local actors and mainstreamed in public policies, urban planning, architecture, or green spaces management.

Audience targeted: Researchers, City planners, Architects, Policy-makers

Pushing boundaries in city-making: indicators for transformative organizations

Stuart Connop, University of East London, UK

Irina Macsinga, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Coralia Sulea, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Discussant: Irina Macsinga, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Note taker:Emma Siddal

Description of the session: This session aims to exchange and collect information about those indicators that predict organizational readiness for adopting innovative solutions. First, we will focus on advancements made in organizational psychology literature regarding organization transformation, with emphasis on those organizational characteristicsthat are most important for change and innovation and we will present an evidence-based model of transformative organizations. Second, this theoretical background is backed up with lessons learned from several case studies and insights from the three exemplar cities where information about organizational aspects was previously collected (Genk, Glasgow and Poznan). The discussion that follows aims to align the current theoretical models and indicators with the organizational realities in different organizations.

Audience targeted: Researchers, City Planners, Policy-makers


18/05/2018 – 14:30- 15:30

Innovation in nature-based solutions: The Adaptation Support Tool (AST)

Ellie Tonks, Climate-KIC, Germany

Victor Beumer, Deltares, Netherlands

Discussant: Ellie Tonks, Climate-KIC, UK

Note taker: Nadine Galle

Description of the session. The aim of the session is to then have a 60-minute workshop on the future of the AST (an open source tool). We want to hear from participants on whether they have used similar tools, what goals the AST does and does not meet for cities and urban planners, how may it be expanded, and who has the technical expertise and knowledge to expand it? We hope to bring along a transportable table so that participants can have a firsthand experience with the AST. Deltares developed the AST in close cooperation with Alterra Wageningen UR and Bosch Slabbers Landscape Architects as part of the Climate KIC project Blue Green Dream. Climate-KIC works on transformative, systemic innovation that involves many connected innovations developing in parallel to trigger wholescale systemic change.

The Adaptation Support Tool (AST) – an interactive touch table used in design workshops to assess the effectiveness and costs of differing adaptation interventions – will then be presented by Deltares. Urban planners, landscape architects, water managers, civil engineers, and other local stakeholders can use the AST to assess 62 blue-green measures for ecosystem-based adaptation within a site-specific context. Real-life applications of the AST will be presented during the session to understand how the tool has already supported urban developers, for example in the Chota district of Beira, Mozambique or the reconstruction of the Centre-West area of Utrecht.

Audience targeted: Organisations and/or individuals to help further develop the AST (technical backgrounds); Cities for piloting, providing valuable feedback, and proposing next steps for the tool; Urban planners, landscape architects, water managers, civil engineers.

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