Isabel Lema-Blanco

Isabel Lema Blanco  ( Master in Law. Ph.D. candidate in Educational Sciences. Research associate at People-Environmental Research Group, University of A Coruña. Lecturer at the University of A Coruña for social communication and media literacy.

My research interest focuses on the motivational, relational and social learning process for empowering citizenship in sustainable transitions. My thesis studies the role of alternative food networks in promoting green lifestyles and collective engagement in climate action at the local and regional level (see publications below).

I am currently involved as a researcher in the H2020 SMARTEES project  – Social Innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability –(, a transdisciplinary research project which aims to support the energy transition and improve policy design by developing alternative and robust policy pathways that foster citizen inclusion and take local peculiarities into account.

In the last 5 years I have been involved in the EU-funded FP7 research projects TRANSIT (Transformative Social Innovation Theory) and GLAMURS (Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability). I have also collaborated with the Horizon 2020 project CONNECTING NATURE being the Technical Secretariat of the Conference “Horizon 2020 European Dialogue and Clustering Action: Transforming cities, enhancing wellbeing: innovating with nature-based solutions”.

As results of the TRANSIT project, we have published reports on several grassroots social innovations networks such as the Slow Food Movement, the Social and Solidarity Economy Network (RIPESS), the Timebanking movement or the European Ethical and Alternative Banking Network-FEBEA. We have also created a online database of critical turning points in social innovation and a  Manifesto for Transformative Social Innovation.

I have authored several journal articles and book chapters on risk perception ( Orr et. al., 2015; García Mira & Lema Blanco, 2007;) and environmental co-management (Lema Blanco & García Mira, 2014). I have investigated the role of mass media in environmental awareness (Lema-Blanco & García Mira, 2009) or in the emergence of environmental movements like “Nunca Máis” (Lema Blanco & Meira, 2007; Lema Blanco & García Mira, 2013). As a consultant, I have worked for national and regional public institutions developing several public participation strategies and environmental education programs.

In the field of communication, I research media literacy processes in community media, conducting the national research project “Youth and Third Media Sector in Spain” (Lema Blanco et. al, 2018, 2016; 2015). I have been an invited keynote at several conferences and seminars on social communication. I am a founder member of RICCAP (Research Network on Community, Alternative and Participative Communication). I am a member of the Board of Directors of AMARC-Europe, aiming to promote the effective exercise of people’s right to communicate. I have been a speaker at the European Parliament presenting the report “Recommendations to the European Union for the promotion of minority languages in Europe through community media” (Strasbourg, 2014).


Twitter  @sabelabranco



  • Lema Blanco, I. (2020). Deficient regulation of community media in Spain: the case of Cuac FM (La deficiente regulación en España de los medios de comunicación comunitarios: el caso de Cuac FM). Quaderns del CAC, 46, vol. XXIII, julio 2020, pp 57-64. Versión en Inglés. Versión en Español.
  • Lema-Blanco, I. (2018). Community radio as a social learning instrument for social empowerment and community building. An analysis of youth participation in the Spanish Third Media Sector. In: I. Gallego, M. Fernández Sande & N. Limón (eds.), Radio Research Trends: Diversity, Innovation & Policies, (pp.15-30). Cambrige (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1349-5.
  • Lema-Blanco, I. (2018). El rol de los medios de comunicación comunitarios como herramientas de inclusión social. El caso de la emisora CUAC FM en A Coruña (The role of the community media as intruments for the social inclusion. The case of the CUAC FM radio station in A Coruña). In Xosé Manuel Cid et al (coord.), Educación Social e Escola, unha análise da última década (2006-2016), (pp.693-708). Ourense (Spain):CEESG/NEG.
  • Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., Kunze, I., Kemp, R., Wittmayer, J., Haxeltine, A., García-Mira, R., Zuijderwijk, L. and Cozan, S. (2017) Social learning in social innovation initiatives: learning about systemic relations and strategies for transformative change. TRANSIT: EU SHH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.
  • Pel, B., Lema-Blanco, I. and Dumitru, A. (2017). RIPESS, the International Network of Social and Solidarity Economy. TRANSIT case-study report. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.
  • Lema-Blanco, I., García Mira, R & Muñoz Cantero (2017). The role of grassroots innovations in promoting local sustainable consumption. Motivations, values and learning outcomes within the Galician network of conscious and responsible consumption. In: R. García Mira, W. Schultz, T. Harting & L. Steg (directors), Book of Abstracts: ICEP2017 International Conference on Environmental Psychology: Theories of change and social innovation in transitions towards sustainability, (179-180). A Coruña: IEIP. ISBN: 978-84-932694-9-4.
  • Pel, B., Bauler, T., Avelino, F., Backhaus, J., Ruijsink, S., Rach, S., Jørgensen, M. S., Kunze, I., Voss, G., Dumitru, A., Lema Blanco, I. (…) and Kemp, R. (2017). The Critical Turning Points database; concept, methodology and dataset of an international Transformative Social Innovation comparison (TRANSIT Working Paper # 10),.TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.
  • Dumitru, A.; Lema-Blanco, I.; Kunze, I. and García-Mira, R. (2016). Slow food movement. Case-study report. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.
  • Weaver, P., Dumitru, A., García-Mira, R., Lema-Blanco, A., Muijsers, L. and Vasseur, V. (2016) WP4 case-study report: timebanking. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.
  •  Haxeltine A., Jørgensen, M. S., Pel, B., Dumitru, A., Avelino, F., Bauler, T., Lema-Blanco, I. (…) and Wittmayer J. M. (2016). On the agency and dynamics of transformative social innovation, TRANSIT working paper #7. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.
  •  Lema-Blanco, I., Rodríguez-Gómez, E. & Barranquero-Carretero, A. (2016). Youth and the Third Sector Media in Spain: Communication and Social Change Training.Comunicar, 48, 91-99.
  •  Lema Blanco, I. & Meda González, M. (2016). Linguistic diversity and Communication rights: the role of community media in the promotion of regional or minority languages in Europe. Radio, Sound & Society Journal, 1(1), 26-41.
  •  Barranquero, A. Bergés, L., Candón, J. García García, J., Lema Blanco, I (…) & Villanueva, S. (2016). La juventud española y los medios del Tercer Sector de la Comunicación. Madrid: Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventud. ISBN: 978-84-92454-87-7.
  •  Orr, P., Brooks, K., Papadopoulou, L., Bonaiuto, M.,  Carrus, G., De Dominicis, S., Ariccio, S., Stancu, A., Ilin, C., Garcia Mira, R., Martínez, H., Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., Steinberga, I., Strode, I., Hrabar, M. and Kobal, J. (2015). Survey on Public Perceptions of Environmental Risks. Project code ENV.F.3/ETU/2014/0037 for the European Commission’s Environment Directorate-General. Luxembourg: European Union. ISBN 978-92-79-54020-2
  • Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., García-Mira, R., Haxeltine, A. and Frances. A. (2015) WP4 : case study report : Credit Unions. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.
  •  Lema Blanco, I; García-Mira, R. & Muñoz Cantero, J.M. (2015). Las iniciativas de consumo responsable como espacios de innovación comunitaria y aprendizaje socialRevista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, Extr.(14), 29-33.
  •  Lema Blanco, I. (2015). Los medios de comunicación comunitarios como espacios de educación no formal para los/las jóvenes. Motivaciones, formas de participación y tipos de aprendizaje generadosRevista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, Extr.(14), 14-028.
  •  Lema Blanco (2015). Environmental Participation Strategies in Natural Resource Urban Management. Practical approaches from the educational and environmental psychology.In: I. Novo (ed.), Book of Proceedings of the IV International Workshop on Economic Development and Social Sustainability, (39-40). A Coruña (Spain): University of A Coruña.
  •  García-Mira, R. & Lema Blanco, I. (2013). Communication and Management Strategies During the Prestige Crisis. In R. García Mira (Editor), Readings on the Prestige Disaster, Contributions from the Social Sciences (pp. 83-93). A Coruña: Instituto de Investigación Psicosocial Xoan Vicente Viqueira.
  • Lema Blanco, I. & García Mira, R. (2014). Public Participation in Water Management. The Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Galician river basins management plans. In: R. Garcia Mira and A. Dumitru (Eds), Urban Sustainability: Innovative Spaces, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities, pp 189-201. A Coruña, Spain: Deputación Provincial. ISBN: 78-84-9812-243-5
  •  Lema Blanco, I. & García-Mira, R. (2009). La sensibilización y formación ambiental de los periodistas que informan sobre medio ambiente. Un enfoque socioeducativo [Environmental training and awareness of journalists informing on the environment. A socio-educational approach]. In: R. García-Mira & P. Vega Marcote (Dirs.), Sostenibilidad, Valores y Cultura Ambiental (pp. 273-287). Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide.
  •  Lema Blanco, I. (2007). El periodista ante el “Prestige”: la función social y educadora del periodista durante la catástrofe. In: R. M. Pujol Villalonga & L. Cano Muñoz (Eds.), Nuevas tendencias en investigaciones en educación ambiental, (483-497). Madrid (España): Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. ISBN 978-84-8014-681-8
  • García Mira, R. & Lema Blanco, I. (2007). The role of information and trust in the process of risk perception. In E. Edgerton; O. Romice & C. Spencer (eds.), Environmental psychology: Putting research into practice (74-90). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

See a complete list of my publications in this LINK

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