Vita, G.; Ivanova, D.; Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Carrus, G.; Stadler, K.; Krause, K.; Wood, R. & Hertwich, E. (2020). Members of environmental grassroos initiatives reconcile lower carbon emissions with higher well-being. Energy Research & Social Science, 60.

Craig, T.; Polhill, G.; Colley, K.; Carrus, G.; Maricchiolo, F.; Bonaiuto, M.; Bonnes, M.; Dumitru, A.; & García-Mira, R. (2019), Transmission of pro-environmental norms in large organizations, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 19, 25-32. DOI:

García Mira, R.; Uzzell, D.; Real, J.E. & Romay, J. (eds) (2018). Housing, Space and Quality of Life. London, UK: Routledge (1st Edition). DOI:

Goluboff, M., & Garcia-Mira, R. (2018). The Perception of Urban Space from Two Different Viewpoints: Pedestrians and Automobile Passengers. In R. Garcia-Mira, R.; D. Uzzell; J.E. Real; & Romay (Eds.), Housing, Space and Quality of Life(pp. 17-26). Routledge.

García Mira, R.; Dumitru, A.; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Polhill, J.G. & Craig, T. (2017). Testing scenarios to achieve worplace sustainability goals using Backcasting and Agent-based Modeling, Environment & Behavior, 49(9), 1007-1037.  (Publicado primero On-line: Octubre 26, 2016). DOI:

Uzzell, D.; Räthzel, N.; García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2017), Global Challenges for Environmental Psychology: The Place of Labor and Production. In G. Fleury-Bahi, E. Pol, and O. Navarro (Eds.): Handbook of Enviromental Psychology and Quality of Life Research (pp. 559-570). AG, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. DOI:

García Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. & (coords.) (2017). Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability. GLAMURS Final Report.  A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira ISBN: 978-84-932694-7-0. Download: Digital version here.

García Mira, A. & Dumitru, A.(coords.) (2017). Estilos de Vida Verdes, Modelos Alternativos y Escalamientos desde la Sostenibilidad RegionalInforme final del proyecto GLAMURS.  A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira ISBN: 978-84-932694-7-0. Descargar la versión digital en español:  Informe Glamurs ESP

ICEP (2017). Book of abstracts: International Conference on Environmental Psychology: Theories of change and social innovation in transitions towards sustainability. A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira. Download digital version:  ICEP (2017) Book_of_Abstracts

Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., Kunze, I., Kemp, R., Wittmayer, J., Haxeltine, A., García-Mira, R., Zuijderwijk, L. and Cozan, S. (2017). Social learning in social innovation initiatives : learning about systemic relations and strategies for transformative change.  TRANSIT Brief#4. Digital version here.

Polhill, J.G., Craig, T., Alonso-Betanzos, A., Sánchez-Maroño, N., Fontenla-Romero, O., Dumitru, A., García-Mira, R., Bonnes, M., Bonaiuto, M., Carrus, G., Maricchiolo, F., Fornara, F., Ilin, C., Steg, L., Ruepert, A., and Keizer, K. (2017), Interactions Matter: Modelling Everyday Pro-environmental Norm Transmission and Diffusion in Workplace Networks. In A. Alonso-Betanzos, N. Sánchez-Maroño, O. Fontenla-Romero, G.J. Polhill, T. Craig, J.Bajo, & J.M. Corchado (Eds.), Agent-Based Modeling of Sustainable Behaviors. Understanding Complex Systems. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-46330-8. DOI:

Frantzeskaki, N.; Dumitru, A.; Anguelovski, I.; Avelino, F.; Bach, M.; Best, B.; Binder, C.; Barnes, J.; Carrus, G.; Egermann, M.; Haxeltine, A.; Moore, M.L.;  García-Mira, R.; Loorbach, D.; Uzzell, D.; Omman, I.; Olsson, P.; Silvestri, G.; Stedman, R.; Wittmayer, J.; Durrant, R. and Rauschmayer, F.; (2016), Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions. Current Opinion in Environmental sustainability, 22: 41-50. DOI:

Dumitru, A.; De Gregorio, E.; Bonnes, M.; Bonaiuto, M.; Carrus, G.; García-Mira, R. & Maricchiolo, F. (2016), Low carbón energy behaviors in the workplace: A qualitative study in Italy and Spain. Energy Research & Social Science, 13, 49-59. DOI:

Ruepert, A.; Keizer, K.; Steg, L.; Maricchiolo, F.; Carrus, G.; Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Stancu, A. & Moza, D. (2016), Environmental considerations in the organizational context: A pathway to pro-environmental behavior at work, Energy Research & Social Science, 17, 59-70. DOI:

Muñoz-Cantero, J.M.; García-Mira, R. & López-chao, V. (2016), Influence of physical learning environment in student’s behavior and social relations. The Anthropologist, 25(3), 249-253. DOI:

Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Brinquis-Núñez, C.; Polhill, J.G.; Craig, T.; Dumitru, A. & García-Mira, R. (2015). An Agent-based model for simulating environmental behavior in an educational organization. Neural Process Letters, 42, 89-118.  DOI

Orr, P., Brooks, K., Papadopoulou, L., Bonaiuto, M.,  Carrus, G., De Dominicis, S., Ariccio, S., Stancu, A., Ilin, C., Garcia Mira, R., Martínez, H., Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., Steinberga, I., Strode, I., Hrabar, M. and Kobal, J. (2015). Survey on Public Perceptions of Environmental Risks. Printed edition: A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira.  ISBN 978-92-79-54020-2.

Lema Blanco, I.; García Mira, R.; Muñoz Cantero, J.M. (2015). Las iniciativas de consumo responsable como espacios de innovación comunitaria y aprendizaje social. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, Vol. Extr., No. 14, 29-33. DOI:

García-Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (2014), Experiencing the urban space. A cognitive mapping approach. Journal of the Korean Housing Association. 25(2), 63-70.

Dumitru, A.; García-Mira, R.; Maricutoiu, L. & Ilin, C. (2014), Evaluating the relationship between place attachment, residential evaluation and satisfaction in a medium-sized Romanian city. Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 25(4), 31-38. DOI:

Alvarez-Suárez, P.; Vega-Marcote, P. & García-Mira, R. (2014), Sustainable consumption: a teaching intervention in higher education. International Journal for Sustainability in Higher Education, 15(1), 3-15.  DOI:

García Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (Eds.) (2014). Urban Sustainability: Innovative Spaces, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities. A Coruña, Spain: Deputación Provincial &Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira. ISBN: 978-84-9812-243-5. Download: Digital version here.

García Mira & Dumitru, A. (coord.) (2014).Low Carbon at Work- Modeling Agents and Organizations to achieve Transitions to a Low Carbon Europe. LOCAW Reseach Report.  A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira.ISBN: 978-84-932694-6-3. Enlace/Download:  Digital version here. 

García Mira, R. (editor) (2013). Lecturas sobre el desastre del Prestige. A Coruña: Intituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira. More information of the content of the book here.

García Mira (Editor) (2013). Readings on the Prestige Disaster, Contributions from the Social Sciences.  A Coruña: Instituto de Investigación Psicosocial Xoan Vicente Viqueira.

García-Mira, R.; García-González, C.; Dumitru, A.; & Barreiro-Rivas, XL (2012), The social dimension of forest fires: Risk, responsibility, and participation. En S. Kabisch, A. Kunath, P. Schweizer-Ries, and A. Steinführer (Eds.), Vulnerability, Risks, and Complexity. Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats (pp. 103-119). Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe.

Gifford, R.; Scannell, L.; Kormos, C.; Smolova, L.; Biel, A.; Boncu, S.; Corral, V.; Günther, H.; Hanyu, K.; Hine, D.; Kaiser, F.G.; Korpela, K.; Lima, L.M.; Mertig, A.G.; García-Mira, R.; et al. (2009), Temporal pessimism and spatal optimism in environmental assessments: An 18-nation study. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29, 1-12.

García Mira, A. & Vega Marcote, P. (eds) (2009). Sostenibilidad, Valores y Cultura AmbientalMadrid: Editorial  Pirámide. ISBN 978-84-368-2304-2


Dumitru, A.; Lema-Blanco, I.; Kunze, I. and García-Mira, R. (2016). Slow food movement. Case-study report. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.

Pel, B., Lema-Blanco, I. & Dumitru, A. (2017). RIPESS; WP4 case study report, TRANSIT. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169

Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., García-Mira, R., Haxeltine, A. and Frances. A. (2015). WP4 : case study report : Credit Unions. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.

Weaver, P.; Dumitru, A.; Lema-Blanco, A. & García-Mira, R. (2015).Transformative social innovation narrative : Timebanking. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169

Orr, P., Brooks, K., Papadopoulou, L., Bonaiuto, M.,  Carrus, G., De Dominicis, S., Ariccio, S., Stancu, A., Ilin, C., Garcia Mira, R., Martínez, H., Dumitru, A., Lema-Blanco, I., Steinberga, I., Strode, I., Hrabar, M. and Kobal, J. (2015). Survey on Public Perceptions of Environmental Risks. Printed edition: A Coruña: Instituto Xoan Vicente Viqueira.ISBN 978-92-79-54020-2. Download: Digital version here.


Dumitru, A. (2015). Sustainable behaviour in the workplace: the role of universities in promoting pro-environmental behaviour. Thesis Dissertation.  Digital version here.

Gallego Palacios, A. (2015). Arquitectura de la vid en la región de Entre-Douro-e-Minho: fenomenología y paisaje. Thesis Dissertation. Digital version here.

Neto Moreno, M.T.(2014). Competências para atuar sustentavelmente a favor do meio ambienteum estudo sobre os conhecimentos, as atitudes e os comportamentos face a um ambiente sustentável com alunos portugueses do 1º ciclo do ensino básico. Thesis Dissertation.Digital version here.

López-Bahut, E. (2013). Jorge Oteiza y lo arquitectónico: de la estatua-masa al espacio urbano:(1948-1960). Thesis Dissertation. Digital version here

Losada Otero, M.D. (2005). La educación ambiental en el currículo de la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria un modelo psicosocial para la explicación del comportamiento proambiental a partir de la competencia en la acción.  Thesis Dissertation. Digital version here. 

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